How to pay/finance a fixed asset purchase [xero]

Updated: 15/08/2021
Article #: 100

There are 3 potential ways of paying a Fixed Asset:

  1. Paid in Full using a Business Bank Account or Credit Card
  2. Fully financing the cost of the Asset
  3. Paying a Deposit and then Financing the balance

Asset Paid in Full

Once the Asset has been paid, the payment in the Bank Feeds will automatically match with the unpaid Purchase

  1. Go to the Bank Feeds screen and find the Fixed Asset Payment

    è  The Bank Feeds screen
  2. Click on [OK] to confirm the match

Asset Fully Financed

  1. After you have approved the Asset Purchase Invoice go to the Make a payment section
  2. Make sure the Amount of the Asset Purchase matches the amount on the Loan (before any payable Interest and borrowing costs)
    è  The Make a payment section

  1. Pay the full value of the Asset Invoice to the Asset Loan Account
  2. Click on [Add Payment]

Deposit Paid and Balance Financed

Once the deposit has been paid it will appear on the Bank Feeds

  1. Go to the Bank Feeds and find the Deposit Payment
  2. Select the [Match] Tab
  3. Search for the Asset Invoice

    è  The Bank Feeds screen

  4. Select the Asset Invoice and click on Split

    è  The Split transaction screen

  5. Confirm the Part Payment by clicking on [Split]
  6. Click on [OK] to confirm the match
  7. Find the Asset Purchase 
  8. Make sure the Amount outstanding on the Asset Purchase matches the amount on the Loan (before any payable Interest and borrowing costs)
  9. Go to the Make a payment section

    è  The Make a payment section

  10. Pay the balance of the Asset Invoice to the Asset Loan Account
  11. Click on [Add Payment]

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