How to invite a new user [xero]

Updated: 22/08/2021
Article #: 107

User Access control is a security technique that is used to regulate what function can be viewed or accessed in a software application. Access to a Xero Organisation is provided to both employees and external collaborators. As Xero manages private and confidential information, it is important to set the correct access level for each person added to the file. User permission can be removed by simply deleting the User.

Invite Users

In Xero, Users are added to the Organisation by sending an email invitation. If the email used in the invitation is already assigned to a Xero account, once accepted, the organisation is added to the existing Xero account. If the email used in the invitation is not yet assigned to a Xero account, upon accepting the invitation, the new user will also need to set up a password to create a new Xero account. Each person working in the Organisation that requires access to Xero must be set up as a separate User. Xero keeps track of both user logins and transactions recorded by users. Follow our user guide, or watch the video

User Roles

User Roles allow management of the different functions Users can access within the Xero organisation, these include:

  • accessing various parts of the software that may contain sensitive information;
  • viewing or changing other Users’ information

For more information on Xero User roles, refer to the Xero Help Centre page.


  1. From the Organisation Menu go to Settings > Users

    è  The Users screen

  2. The User Screen provides the list of:
    • Pending Users > Users who have been invited to the Organisation but have not yet accepted
    • Current Users > Active Users (showing their assigned Email Address, User Role and the last time they logged into the Xero Organisation)
    • No Access > Users who have been removed from the Xero Organisation
  3. Click on [Invite a new user]

    è  The New Users screen opens

  4. Enter the new User First name, Last name and email address
  5. Select the relevant User Role and click on [Send Invite]
    Note: you can also click on [Add a Personal Message] and type a personalised message which will be included in the email invite to the new person
    è  The Users invite is sent and the User will appear on the top of the list as Pending
    Note: the invite expires within 14 days. The Pending User details will drop off the list once the invite expires

    è  The new invite is sent via email to the new user

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