How to record the motorpass monthly statement [R&T]

Updated: 02/09/2021
Article #: 138

The Motorpass monthly Statements include a breakdown of all Trucks and vehicles fuel purchases. When we receive the Motorpass Statement the cost of the fuel must be split by each vehicle.

Record the Motorpass Statement

  1. Open the Motorpass monthly statement and scroll to the Cardholder Summary section

    è  The Motorpass Cardholder Summary Section

  2. Log into MYOB and go to Purchases > Create Bill

    è  The Create Bill screen opens

  3. Select/Enter the following details:
    • Supplier > Select: Motorpass
    • Date > Enter the last day of the Statement month
    • Supplier Inv No > Enter the Bill No from the Statement and #monthyear (i.e. 180-Aug-21)
    • Amounts are > Select: Tax Inclusive
  4. You will then need to breakdown the value of the Fuel purchase by Truck/Vehicle in each line as follows:
    • Description > Type the Vehicle/Truck Registration Plate
    • Account No > Select either 5-3300 Tuck fuel (default) for Trucks and UTEs or 6-5400 Vehicles - Fuel/Petrol for Vehicle's Fuel Purchases
    • Amount > Enter the amount inclusive of GST per Truck/Vehicle
    • Job > Select the Vehicle's Registration No
  5. Repeat the above steps for all Vehicle's charges
  6. Ensure the total of the Bill in MYOB matches the total of the Motorpass Statement
  7. Attach the MotorPass Statement to the Bill
  8. Click on [Save]

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