How to lodge a workers compensation annual declaration through icare [work cover portals]
Updated: 06/09/2021
Article #: 149
The calculation of the Workers Compensation premium for a Business employing workers is based on a variety of factors, including:
To ensure their workers are covered by work cover insurance and calculate the correct premium, Employers must provide information regarding the following: Employer's Industry Workers' Remuneration Working Conditions Icare will then use the values provided on the Annual Declaration and the Business' WIC and calculate the premium for the year. If the cost of the premium is under $30,000 per year, icare will then use the same declared remuneration to estimate the Premium for the forthcoming year. Businesses that pay over $30,000 premium per year must also submit an estimate of remuneration to calculate the premium for the forthcoming year. Finally, a Dust Diseases Levy rate is added to the premium of those employers whose business activities involve the exposure of asbestos to their workers. Definition of Workers and Wages The NSW Workers Compensation Act has a specific definition of both Workers and Wages that must be included in the Annual Declaration to determine the correct premium. For more information about the definition of workers and wages refer to our Workers Compensation Factsheet. Lodge the Annual Declaration to icare The Annual Declaration can be lodged to iCare either manually (by mailing a form) or online. This Knowledge Base Article covers how to lodge the Workers' Annual Declaration online.