How to confirm your jobsaver fortnightly payment eligibility [service nsw]

Updated: 15/09/2021
Article #: 154

From Friday 10th September NSW Businesses are required to confirm they still meet the required decline in GST Turnover to the JobSaver payment scheme in order to continue to receive the fortnightly payments. 

This task is completed through the Service NSW Website (MyServiceNSW) and it must be completed every fortnight.

  1. Assess your decline in turnover in either your Xero or MYOB Accounting Software and make sure you are still experiencing the required decline in turnover of 30% or more.
    Note: do not include the NSW Grant or JobSaver payments in your Turnover calculations
  2. Log into Service MyServiceNSW with your MyServiceNSW Account username and password

    è  The MyServiceNSW Portal opens

  3. If you have both a Personal and a Business profile, make sure you select the [Business] Tab
  4. Click on Confirm your eligibility

    è  The Confirm your eligibility screen opens

  5. Select/Enter the following details
    • I have maintained the employee headcount stated in my application > If your Business has maintained the same Employee headcount as of 13 July 2021, select Yes and type your current Employee headcount
      Note: any Employees who have voluntarily resigned will not affect your Employee headcount
    • I have continued to experience a decline in turnover of at least 30% > If your Business has continued to experience a turnover of 30% or more, select Yes
  6. Confirm the Terms & Conditions and click on [Submit] > [Complete]

    è  A confirmation screen opens

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