How to prepare and authorise a superannuation payment batch [keypay]

Updated: 29/09/2021
Article #: 160

Australian Employers are required to pay Superannuation to their Employees at a minimum Quarterly. Superannuation must be paid and reported electronically to meet Super Stream requirements. Super payments are sent to the Superfunds in a specific electronic format that contains key employee information.

There are several options available to pay super electronically, the most common is to use a Clearing House. 

Businesses can pay their Super obligations electronically using KeyPay. The first step is to register your Business to the Beam Superannuation Clearing House. Once registered, a Business can pay super obligations by processing a batch payment that can be paid either by Bpay, Direct Debit or EFT.


Prepare the Super Batch Payment

  1. Click on the Business Dashboard icon  > Super Payments

    è The Super Payments screen opens

  2. Click on [New Superannuation Batch]

    è The Select Super Contributions For New Batch Payment screen opens

  3. Select/Enter the following details:
    • Date Range > Select either Last Month or Last Quarter
    • Pay schedule > Confirm: All
    • Contribution Type > Confirm: All
  4. Click on [Filter]

    è The Employees' Super Accruals for the selected period are listed on the screen

  5. Ensure all the Employees' names are in green. Employees in red are those Employees who either do not have Superfund assigned, or may have accrued contributions that do to have the Employee's Superfund assigned
  6. If you have any Employees whose names are in red, you will need to fix any missing Superfund details against their records before you can include all Employees in the payment batch. 
  7. Once all your Employees' names are displayed in green you can include all Employees in your Quarterly/Monthly Super batch
    Note: you can process the Super Batch without including all Employees. However, you need to ensure all Employees are paid on time
  8. Click on [Select all] > [Create batch]

    è The Manage Super Batch Payment screen opens

  9. The Batch will display any Warnings that may cause issues with the Clearing House when submitting the electronic payment to the ATO
  10. Fix any Warning reported within the Batch, then click on [Submit]

    è The Submit batch screen opens

  11. Select how you would like to pay Superannuation and click on [Submit]

    è The Super batch payment screen opens

  12. Use the above details to process the payment

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