How to set up your zoom phones account [zoom]
Updated: 10/10/2021
Article #: 167
All business phone communication at Evolution Cloud Accounting is managed via Zoom Phones. Zoom Phones is a cloud-based phone system that allows users to receive and make calls from any device (Computer, Ipads and Smartphones) that has the Zoom App installed. When a new Zoom account is created for a new user a direct landline is assigned to the user and a 3-digit extension. Calling Evolution Cloud Accounting We do not disclose direct lines to our Clients. If a Client wants to contact a team member at Evolution Cloud Accounting, they will need to contact our main landline (02 7252 2066) and dial the 3-digit extension for the relevant staff member. All our Staff Member extensions are the equivalent of the first 3 letters of their first name. For Simon for example the extension is 746 or S I M. Managing Phone Calls & Available Hours All phone calls to and from our Clients must be made and received from Zoom. The Zoom app can be installed on both the ECA provided IT Equipment or your personal smartphones. When dialling a number out, the Client's Caller ID will display our main landline. We have two sets of Business Vs Closed Hours:
Once your Zoom user account is enabled and a Zoom Phone landline has been assigned to you, you will need to set up your Zoom Phones first on your Desktop and then on your smartphone (if you want to). Set up your Zoom Account