How to set pinch payments payment options in xero [pinch payments]

Updated: 21/05/2022
Article #: 171

Once the Pinch Payments application has been approved and the Pinch Payments Branding Themes have been linked in the Payment Portal, the Xero Organisation should be set to manage pinch payments as per the relevant Business requirements.

A Business may want to offer Pinch Payments as a default payment option to all Customers or only make it available to selected Customers or invoices. 

Set up Pinch Payments as a default Payment Option

  1. From the Organisation Menu go to Settings > Invoice settings

    è  The Xero Invoice settings

  2. Click on the double ellipsis icon next to the Pinch-Payments branding theme and drag the Pinch-Payment Branding theme on the top of the screen (as the first Branding theme of the list). This will make the Pinch-Payment branding theme the default Branding theme for all Customer Contact invoices. 

Set up Pinch Payments for a selected Customer

  1. Go to the Settings > Invoice Settings
  2. Ensure the Pinch-Payment branding theme is not on the top of all other Branding Themes
  3. Go to Contacts > Customers
  4. Find the Customer you wish to give the option to pay via Pinch Payments

    è  The Customer screen

  5. Click on [Edit]
  6. Scroll down to the Invoice Theme field and click on the option list

    è  The Invoice Theme option list

  7. Select Pinch-Payments and click on [Save]

    è  All future invoices raised for this Customer will have the option to pay via Pinch Payments

Set up Pinch Payments for a specific invoice

  1. Go to Contacts > Customers
  2. Find the Customer you wish to allow pay using Pinch Payments

    è  The Customer screen

  3. Click on New > Sales Invoice

    è  The New Invoice screen opens

  4. Click on the Brandingoption list and select: Pinch-Payments
  5. Proceed to complete your sale

    è  Only this Customer's invoice will have the option to pay via Pinch Payments

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