How to remove the office calendar sharing permission [sop - offboarding]

Updated: 26/10/2021
Article #: 190

One of the key offboarding tasks is to ensure that all Clients' ongoing and ad hoc bookings booked on the Terminated Team Member's Office Calendar are rescheduled to the relevant replacement. 

Once all bookings have been rescheduled, the sharing Permission can be removed from the terminated Team Member calendar. This will remove the ability for other team members to accidentally make bookings to the terminated Employee. Each member will need to manually remove the Terminated Employee Calendar from their Shared Calendar lists.

Reschedule Calendar Bookings

  1. Log into Office Calendar from Practice Protect
  2. Select the Day - ECA View

    è  The Office Calendar view

  3. You can choose to temporarily remove from this view any Team Members who will not be taking over work from the terminated Team Member
  4. Review each weekday (Monday - Friday) and review any recurring appointments booked for this staff member
  5. Reschedule each booking to the relevant Team Member
  6. Change the view to Weekly for just the terminated Team Member
  7. Check the following 12 weeks and ensure there are no future ad hoc bookings booked with Clients. Reschedule any of these bookings accordingly

Remove Calendar Sharing

  1. Log in to Microsoft 365 from Firefox Web Browser at: using the login credential from the terminated Team Member
  2. Go to the Terminated Team Member's Office Calendar

    è  The Terminated Team Member's Office Calendar

  3. Click on [Share] on the top right-hand side of the screen

    è  The Sharing and Permission screen opens

  4. Click on the Remove icon  next to each Staff Member

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