How to manage and payout time off in lieu [xero]
Updated: 27/01/2022
Article #: 219
Time Off In Lieu or TOIL allows an employee to work overtime, and instead of being paid additional remuneration for working such overtime, the Employee is granted paid time off work by their Employer, to the equivalent of the overtime worked. Accruing Time Off in LieuTime Off in Lieu is accrued on an ad hoc basis in the instance that an Employee works additional hours and then chooses to take time off instead of getting paid (or the Employer does not wish to pay overtime). You can accrue Time Off in Lieu both manually by entering the hours directly into the Employee's Pay or via Timesheets. Applying/Taking Time Off in LieuAs Time Off in Lieu in Xero is set up like any other leave item, it can be processed by getting the Employee to apply for it either via the Xero My Payroll or Xero Me Phone App. Alternatively, this can be centrally processed via the Leave Tab in Xero. Pay Out Time Off in Lieu at Termination of EmploymentTime Off in Lieu is paid out at termination of employment at overtime rates, the applicable tax on the payout is part of the taxable Employment Termination Payments (ETP). Accruing Time Off in Lieu Time Off in Lieu can be accrued by entering the hours directly into the Pay each pay run or first through Timesheets and then added in the Pay Run Accruing Time off in Lieu via Timesheets
Record Time Off in Lieu on the Employee's Pay
Payout Time Off in Lieu at termination