How to create a zoom account and add a user to zoom phone [sop - onboarding]

Updated: 27/12/2021
Article #: 222

Every Staff Member requires a free Zoom Meetings Account for 1-1 Client Meetings and Training sessions and a Zoom Phone license and Extension.

Before adding a User to Zoom Phones, you will need to check if a spare Zoom Phone license seat and phone line are available in the ECA Zoom account.

If the Zoom Phones ECA currently does not have a spare license seat, when creating a new User Zoom will prompt the purchase of a new license.

However, if a spare license is available, this license should also have a Direct Phone Number assigned which can be re-assigned to the new user.

Create a new Zoom Meetings Account

  1. Log into the Zoom - ECA account from Practice Protect
  2. Select the [User Management] > [Users] Tab

    è The Zoom Users screen opens

  3. Click on [Add Users]

    è The Zoom Add Users screen opens

  4. Type the new Staff Member's email address
  5. In User Type, select Basic and then select the license: Meeting Basic
  6. Type the Staff Member's Job Title and Location and click on [Add]

    è Zoom will send an activation email to the new Staff Member's email address and the User will show as Pending until the Account is confirmed

Create a New Zoom Account

  1. Log into the new Staff Member's email address and open the Zoom Activation email

    è The Zoom activation email

  2. Click on [Activate Your Zoom Account]

    è The Activate your Zoom Account screen opens

  3. Click on Sign Up with a Password

    è The Welcome to Zoom screen opens

  4. Type the new Staff Member's first and last name
  5. Create a password by following the Zoom's Password rules
  6. Click on [Continue]

Link a User to a Zoom Phones' License Seat

  1. From the Zoom ECA account, Select the [Phone System Management] > [Users & Rooms] Tab

    è The Zoom Phone System Management - Users screen opens

  2. Click on [Add]

    è The Add User screen opens

  3. Click on Choose

    è The Choose From User screen opens

  4. Select the new Staff Member and click on [Confirm]
  5. Click on Assign

    è The Assign Packages screen opens

  6. Select the package: AU/NZ Unlimited Calling Plan
  7. Click on [Confirm and Assign Numbers]

    è The Assign Numbers screen opens

  8. Select one of the phone numbers from the list and click on [Confirm]
  9. Click on [Save]

    è The new User is added to the Users & Rooms screen and a confirmation email is sent to the user

Configure the new user's Zoom Phone Account

Create the Absence and Busy Greetings

  1. Select the [Phone] Tab
  2. Go to the [Settings] Tab
  3. Scroll down to Greeting & Leave voicemail instruction and click on Audio Library

    è The Audio Library screen opens

  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the Audio Library and click on Add Audio

    è The Add Audio pop-up screen opens

  5. Select/Enter the following details
    • Audio Name > Type either Busy - #stafffirstname or Unavailable - #stafffirstname depending on the message type
    • Voice > Select: American English | Salli-Female or American English | Matthew-Male based on the staff member's gender
    • Message to play:
      1. Copy and paste either the Busy message or the Unavailable message from the following templates:

        Busy Mailbox Message:
        You have reached
        #stafffirstname's inbox.
        #stafffirstname is currently on the phone or in a meeting.
        If you wish to leave a message, please record your message after the tone.
        Alternatively, you can email
        #stafffirstnameat #staffemail

        Unavailable Mailbox Message
        You have reached
        #stafffirstname's inbox.
        #stafffirstname is available for Clients' enquiries #staffavailableday from #staffavailablehours.
        If you have called outside of these hours, please leave a message after the tone. 
        If you have an urgent request, please email our support team at:
        A Member of our team will attend to your request as soon as possible.
        Once again the email address is 
      2. Replace the red words with the correct staff's details
      3. Click on Play to check the message and make any punctuation changes as required
      4. Once you are happy with the recording, click on [Add]
      5. Repeat the same steps to create the second recorded Greeting

Configure Staff Member's Zoom Phone's Settings

  1. From the [User Management] > [Users] Tab, click on the new User

    è The new User - Profile screen opens

  2. Edit the extension number to match the first three letters of the new Staff Member's first name and click on [Save]
  3. In Outbound Caller ID select: Main Company Number - (02) 7252 2066 (Australia) and click on [Save]
  4. Select the [Policy] Tab

    è The new User - Policy screen opens

  5. Enable/Disable the following options
    • Call Forwarding to External Numbers > Enabled
    • Select Outbound Caller ID > Disabled
    • Emergency Address Management > Disabled
    • Emergency Calls to Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) > Disabled
    • Automatic Call Recording > Disabled
    • Ad Hoc Call Recording > Enabled | Play a prompt to call participants when the recording has started > Enabled
    • International Calling > Disabled
    • Voicemail > Enabled | Allow voicemail transcription > Enabled
    • Zoom Phone on Mobile > Enabled | Allow Calling and SMS/MMS function on Mobile > Enabled
    • SMS > Enabled
    • Call Overflow > Select: Can blind, warm or voicemail transfer to internal extensions... and external numbers
    • Elevate Call to a Meeting > Enabled
    • Call Park > Enabled
    • Hand Off to Room > Enabled
    • Mobile Switch to Carrier > Enabled
    • Delegation > Enabled
  6. Select the [User Settings] Tab

    è The new User - User Settings screen opens

  7. Select/Amend the following options:
    • Business Hours > Edit the Business Hours as per the standard hours the new Staff Member is rostered to work
      • Call Handling Ring Mode > Select: Sequential
      • Ringing Duration for Each Device > Select: 30 seconds
      • When a call is not answered > Select: Forward to voicemail
      • Allow callers to reach an operator > Disabled
      • Greetings & Leave voicemail instruction > Click on Audio Library and select the Busy Greeting for the new Staff Member
    • Closed Hours
      • Max Wait Time > Select: 30 seconds
      • When a call is not answered > Select: Forward to voicemail
      • Allow callers to reach an operator > Disabled
      • Greetings & Leave voicemail instruction > Click on Audio Library and select the Unavailable Greeting for the new Staff Member
  8. Leave all other Settings as Default

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