How to download a tax invoice sent to hubdoc as an electronic link [Hubdoc]

Updated: 14/11/2022
Article #: 254

Hubdoc only reads documents correctly if sent or uploaded into the App as PDF Documents or images.

Hubdoc can also read Tax Invoices and Statements sent as Excel files, however when these documents are published to Xero a user is unable to view the Excel file as a Xero attachment. Therefore, it is highly recommended to request Suppliers to send all Tax Invoices, Statements and Remittances to Hubdoc as PDF attachments. 

Occasionally, a supplier may email an invoice without an attachment, where the invoice is included in the email text as a link. This can easily be retrieved as a PDF document with a couple of clicks.

Turn an Invoice Link into a PDF Document

  1. In Hubdoc find the email text which shows the invoice link

    è  The Hubdoc Organisation

  2. Click on Download on the top right-hand side of the screen

    è  The Email downloads as a PDF document into your Download folder

  3. Open the document and click on either the Invoice Link or (if the option is available) Download PDF
  4. The Tax Invoice will either download or show on the screen as a PDF
  5. Return to Hubdoc and:
    1. Upload the PDF version of the Tax Invoice
    2. Delete the email text document
  6. Publish the Tax Invoice to Xero

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