How to import bank transactions in xero [xero]

Updated: 09/05/2023
Article #: 26

When a business successfully applies for Bank Feeds in Xero, the first automatic bank feed is processed on the day the application is approved.

If the business is setting up a new Xero Organisation and the conversion date is before the Bank Feeds application date, or if the bank account was opened and used prior to the Bank Feeds application, a transaction gap will happen between the automatic feed transactions and the required start date.

Xero allows the option to import Bank Feeds manually using a specific import file called a qif file.

The first step is to export the bank transactions from the start date (this could be the Xero conversion date or the date the bank account was opened) to the day before the automatic Bank Feed transaction date. This process takes place on the Online Banking Portal: a qif file must be exported and downloaded to the local computer.

Note: Please ensure that you don’t download a file with more than 1,000 transactions to import at the time. Files with over 1,000 records may fail to be imported.


Import transactions into the Bank Account

  1. From the Xero Dashboard, go to the Bank Account and click on the overflow menu next to the Bank logo

    è Additional options appear on the screen

  2. Click on Import a Statement

    è The Import Bank Transactions screen opens

  3. Click on [Select file] and go to the Downloads Folder
  4. Select the qif file exported from your online banking and click on [Next]

    è  The Review and complete import screen opens

  5. Click on [Complete Import]

    è  The Bank Feed transactions are imported
    Note: Xero recognizes duplicate transactions already imported in other QIF files, and excludes them during the import process.

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