How to troubleshoot the gst reconciliation report - transactions posted directly to gst [xero]
Updated: 26/01/2022
Article #: 265
This User Guide provides a list of common issues related to incorrect transactions posted directly to the GST Account. Understanding Troubleshooting Troubleshooting is never a linear process. A User Guide will never provide the exact solution to a problem. Sometimes, a variance may relate to an individual discrepancy, others it could relate to the same issue across multiple transactions, and in some instances, it could be a combination of different problems. A Troubleshooting User Guides can simply provide general guidance by quoting a series of examples of the common issues and their resolutions. Users should still apply their troubleshooting skills to audit the data, identify the issue (or issues) and apply the proper solution to fix each discrepancy. The key aspect of troubleshooting is untangling one issue at a time, never trying to fix all problems at once. Start by Identifying one issue and fixing it, then move to the next one. Never be alarmed if after resolving one discrepancy, the variance is even larger than before, if the solution applied to the issue is correct, then disregard the variance and move to the next problem. Dealing with Incorrect GST Transactions The GST Account Transactions section of the GST Reconciliation report provides a list of all transactions posted directly to the GST Account. In Xero only two types of transactions should be posted directly to the GST Account: the transactions that clear the GST liabilities when the Activity Statement is lodged and Purchases of GST charged from Custom where the Tax Rate used is GST on Imports. Any other transactions posted directly to the GST Account should be amended to come off this list. EOFY Adjustments Accountants who have a limited understanding of how Xero works, often post their End of Financial Year GST adjustments directly to the GST Account. In this case, the adjustment posted to GST will need to be amended and be calculated from the relevant Tax Rate. If you come across a large EOFY journal entry with multiple income and expense adjustments, you should request the Accountant to provide you with relevant working papers detailing how the total GST adjustment was calculated. In this example, the GST Account Transactions section lists an EOFY journal adjustment where $190.00 GST adjustment were posted directly to the GST Account. è The GST Reconciliation Report - GST Accounting Transactions
Bad Debts Write Off Journals Bad Debts should never be written off as journals in Xero without going through Receivable first. If you come across a Bad Debt write off journal where Income and GST adjustments were used in the journal, the journal should be voided. In this example, Bad Debts had been written off as an End of Financial Year journal adjustment, instead of going through Receivable. è The GST Reconciliation Report - GST Accounting Transactions
GST on Import Transactions If your Business imports goods from overseas, the GST Account Transactions section of the GST Reconciliation report should also include all GST on Imports transactions. It is important to check if the tax rate of these transactions has been changed to GST on Imports. Any GST on Import transactions posted with the default Tax Rate: BAS Excluded will not be deducted as part of the GST Paid in the Activity Statement.