How to edit employee basic details [KeyPay]

Updated: 15/02/2022
Article #: 284

Employees information may need to be updated from time to time. This includes basic details such as addresses, phone numbers or emergency contact details, or more complex information including assigned Award Level, Pay Rates, Locations etc.

This User Guide covers how to update basic employee details in KeyPay.

  1. Go to Employees > Lists
  2. Search for the Employee whose details you need to update
  3. Open the Employee contact file
    è  The Employee Contact screen opens

  4. Employee basic details are updated in the following tabs:
    • Details > where you can update Names, Addresses and phone numbers
    • Emergency Contacts > where you can add/update two emergency contacts (a Primary and a Secondary)
  5. Edit the Employee details on each Tab as required, then click on [Save]

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