How to lodge a partial wage claim to workcover qld [work cover portals]

Updated: 22/04/2022
Article #: 293

After an employee has been absent due to a serious injury, they may be deemed partially fit to return to work for a specified period of time. This is generally defined as Light Duties and it involves assigning tasks to the employee that fit within their recovery period and/or working shorter days.

When an employee on Light Duties is required to work shorter days, WorkCover QLD will still reimburse the difference between the hours worked and paid by the Employer and the workers' compensation claim amount calculated when the claim was first approved.

The Employer is required to submit a Partial Wages Form through the WorkCover QLD Portal.

Submit a Partial Wage Claim

  1. Log into WorkCover:

    è  The WorkCover portal

  2. You will notice a reminder on top of the portal to submit the Partial Wage Claim
  3. Click on [Claims] > Claims List
  4. Select the correct employee claim from the list

    è  The Employee Claim

  5. Click on [Submit partial wages]

    è  The Partial Incapacity Details form opens

  6. Select/Enter the following details:
    • From Date > Select the start date of the pay period
    • Number of weeks to provide information for > Select One if your payroll pay period is weekly, two if fortnightly and so on
  7. Click on [Next]

    è  Additional information is displayed on the online form

  8. Select/Enter the following details:
    • Usual hours worked > Type the number of hours the employee used to work before the incident (or average hours for Casual Employees)
    • Actual hours worked > Type the total number of reduced hours worked in the claim period
      Note: you can enter the total hours for the week or day by day, as per your weekly roster.
    • Leave Taken and Allowances > Select Yes or No to the questions related to the worker being taken paid leave or having been paid additional allowances on top of the regular wages
    • Hourly rate of pay > Type the employee's OTE rate
    • Gross wages paid > Type the employee's gross wages for the claim period
    • Reimbursement to > Select if the Reimbursement should be paid to the Employer, or directly to the Employee
    • Additional Information > Enter any additional comments related to the claim
  9. Click on [Submit]


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