How to refund payments paid through pinch payments [pinch payments]

Updated: 22/05/2022
Article #: 301

When a payment is made through Pinch Payments, the refund should also be processed through Pinch Payments. Refund requests can be processed via the Pinch Payments portal.
Note: Refunds can take up to 10 days to be processed. Also, refunds do not automatically create a Credit Note in Xero. Therefore, a Credit Note should also be issued in Xero against the relevant Customer.

Request a Payment Refund

  1. From the Pinch Payment Portal, select the [Payments] Tab

    è  The Payments screen

  2. Select the [Recent Payments] Tab then select the invoice you wish to refund

    è  The Invoice screen opens

  3. Click on [Request Refund]

    è  The Refund Reason screen opens

  4. Type the reason you are requesting the refund, then click on [Confirm]

    è  The Refund Confirmation screen opens

  5. Click on [Confirm]

    è  A Confirmation screen is displayed

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