How to manage workers [QLD LSL corporation]

Updated: 22/07/2022
Article #: 305

The Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments Act 1986 (the Act) requires Employers to lodge Start Notices and End Notices for each worker performing building work on-site to the Long Service Leave Corporation in the employee's residing State. Once an employee has worked in the Building & Construction Industry for 10 years, they can apply for Portable Long Service leave through the Corporation.

In QLeave you can only terminate a worker when you lodge your Annual Service Return.

Start Employment Notices

  1. From your Internet Brower go to:
  2. Click on Login and select the option: [Building and Construction Industry Login]
  3. Log in using your email address and password

    è The QLD QLeave Corporation Employer Portal

  4. Click on [Add a new worker]

    è The Start a new worker screen opens

  5. Select/Enter the following details:
    • QLeave Worker Registration Number > Type your employee's QLeave Worker's number. If you don't know the worker's QLeave number leave this field blank
    • Work Classification > Select the relevant work classification from the list
    • Employment option > Select if the worker is a Labour Hire, performing work for Government entities or working in the Coal Mining industry. For all other employment options select: None of the above
    • Daily Duties > Select the relevant worker's daily duties option and enter a brief description of the worker's occupation
    • Contact Details > Type the worker's contact details, including their residential address 
  6. Click on [Save]

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