How to lodge the annual service employer return [QLD LSL corporation]

Updated: 22/07/2022
Article #: 306

If a business employs workers for the purpose of doing building and construction work in QLD, this business is legally required to confirm and update its service to ensure benefits paid from the scheme are calculated accurately. This is done by lodging both an Annual Service Return and Quarterly Employer Returns.

An Employer Return is a list of all Workers that the Corporation has recorded being employed by the specific Employer. This list is compiled from all the workers added during the quarter/year. For Businesses required to pay Long Service Leave levies, the return and payment of the Levy must be submitted to QLeave quarterly. All Businesses whether they are required to pay the Long Service Levy or not, must lodge their Annual Service Returns.


The Annual Service Return is due for lodgement by the 31st July each year. The Quarterly Employer Returns instead are due for completion and lodgement as follows:

  • 1st January - 31st March > by the 14th April;
  • 1st April - 30th June > by the 14th July;
  • 1st July - 30th September > by the 14th October;
  • 1st October - 31st December > by the 14th January; 

Before lodging your Annual Service return, you should ensure all Workers that have started with your business during the year have been added in QLeave. Terminated workers are submitted to QLeave as part of the Annual Service Return.

Lodge the Annual Service Return

  1. From your Internet Brower go to:
  2. Click on Login and select the option: [Building and Construction Industry Login]
  3. Log in using your email address and password

    è The QLD QLeave Corporation Employer Portal

  4. Click on [Submit your annual return]

    è The Service Returns screen opens

  5. Click on [Continue service return]

    è The Service Returns screen opens listing all workers

  6. Select the workers you wish to include in the Return
  7. Select/Enter the following details for each worker in the list:
    • Full Time > Select this option if the worker works an average of 38 hours per week or more for your Business
    • Days Worked > If the worker works less than 38 hours per week, you will need to specify the number of days worked for your business during the year
    • End Date > If the worker has ceased working with you, enter their termination date
    • No Eligible Work Performed > Select this option, if the worker is still employed with you but has did not perform any eligible work for your business
  8. Click on [Save] > [Submit selected workers] or [Submit all workers]

    è A confirmation message is displayed

  9. Select the declaration and click on [Continue]

    è A confirmation message is displayed

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