How to track days worked for part time workers for portable long service leave [xero]
Updated: 18/06/2023
Article #: 307
Businesses that are part of the Building and Construction, Contract Cleaning, and, in some states, Not For Profit industries are required to report their eligible workers to the Long Service Leave corporation of the employee's residing state. Once these workers have accumulated 10 years of service in the relevant industry, they can access Portable Service Leave benefits paid by the Corporation. These reporting requirements include: notifying the corporation of eligible workers' employment commencement and termination dates and submitting an Annual Employer Declaration. When reporting workers' employment details, employers are also required to identify the worker's employment basis. The definition of employment basis for Portable Long Service Leave purposes differs from the employment basis stipulated in a worker's employment agreement.
When dealing with Non-Full-Time workers, the employer must also provide the total number of days worked during the Financial Year. This number must be entered when submitting the Annual Employer Declaration and/or terminating a worker. Track Days Worked for Non-Full-Time Workers If your Business uses Xero to pay workers and you employ Non-full-time workers, the most effective way to track working days is to enter working hours using Xero Timesheets. You can then extrapolate the working days by running the Timesheet Detailed Report.