How to reset multi factor authenticator in Practice Protect

Updated: 29/09/2022
Article #: 308

If you have changed or lost your phone, you will need to re-set the multi-factor authenticator to access your account on the Practice Protect Portal.

In order to do so, you will need to login into your Practice Protect Portal using your security question instead of the 6-digit code.

Once you have successfully logged in to the Portal, you can then re-set multi-factor authentication on your new device.

Re-set Multi-Factor Authentication

  1. Make sure the Google Authenticator App is installed on your new device
  2. Log into your Practice Protect Portal
  3. Select the [Account] Tab

    è  The Account - Authentication Factors screen opens

  4. Click on [Show QR Code]

    è  The OATH - OTP Client screen opens

  5. From your phone open the Google Authenticator and tab on the + button > Scan QR Code
  6. Use the phone camera to scan the QR code on the screen

    è  The Authentication codes display on the app

  7. Enter the 6-digit code from the Google Authenticator and click on [Verify] > [Close]

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