How to register for superannuation with beam clearing house [KeyPay]

Updated: 29/09/2021
Article #: 35

Employee Super Contributions can easily be paid directly to any registered Superfund in Australia through the Beam Superfund Clearing House.  


Beam's quarterly payment contributions are included in the subscription costs per employee, additional superannuation payments come at a cost of 0.30c per Employee per additional payment. 


  1. Click on the Business Dashboard icon  > Payroll Settings > Superannuation
  2. Click on [Register with Beam]

    è The Beam Registration Screen

  3. Confirm the Business details
  4. Ensure the Contact Details are the Business, not Evolution Cloud Accounting, click on [Next]
  5. Select the option to pay by EFT
  6. Enter the Bank Account details used to pay Employees' Super and click on [Save]
  7. Click on [Next]
  8. Select the Default Employer Superfund by either ABN or USI and click on [Next]
  9. Confirm the Beam’s Terms & Conditions and click on [Next]

    è Registration Confirmation screen

  10. Click on [Back to Payroll]
  11. Return to the Superannuation settings in KeyPay and confirm that the Bank Account for Super refunds are correct, if not amend these details by clicking on [Edit details in Beam] and amend the existing bank account details.

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