How to register for xero auto-super [xero]

Updated: 08/08/2021
Article #: 64

Businesses can pay Superannuation electronically directly from Xero. The first step of this process is to register for Xero Auto-Super and electronically sign a Direct Debit form. Once registered, Businesses can process superannuation payments through Xero and authorise these payments via a secure SMS authorisation code. 

Once authorised, Xero will automatically deduct the payment from the nominated Bank Account and disburse it to the various Employees' funds. 


Xero Auto-Super can only be set up when:

  • The Business has signed up/upgraded to one of the Xero Premium Subscriptions (Starter and Standard subscriptions do not include this feature);
  • The nominated Bank Account has been added to the Xero Organisation;
  • The nominated Bank Account must be enabled for direct debits (contact the Bank if unsure);
  • At least one Superfund is added to the Organisation;
  • At least one Employee is added to the Organisation;
  • The nominated Authoriser must be set up as a User with Payroll Admin privileges enabled and provide their mobile number.

Register to Xero Auto-Super

  1. Go to Payroll > Superannuation

    è  The Set Up Superannuation screen opens

  2. Click on [Get Started]

    è  The Review Organisation details screen opens

  3. Ensure the Business ABN and Legal or Trading name displayed on the screen are correct and click on [Next]
    Note: if either of these details is incorrect, you will need to exit the Registration process and update the Organisation Details.

      The Authoriser screen opens

  4. Select the Authoriser from the list and type their mobile number
  5. Click on [Next]

    è  The Bank screen opens

  6. Select the Bank Account you wish to pay Superannuation from and click on [Next]

    è  The Finish screen opens

  7. Review the Terms and Conditions documents and select the Authorisation checkbox
  8. Click on [Register]

    è  The Set up complete screen

      A confirmation email is sent once the registration process is completed

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