How to change the super payment details [xero]

Updated: 08/08/2021
Article #: 65

It is possible to amend certain details originally set up during the Xero Auto-Super Registration process. These details include:

  • The Super Authoriser
  • The Super Authoriser's mobile number
  • The Nominated Bank Account

The only two Xero Users that can amend the above details are:

  • The current Super Authoriser and
  • The Organisation Subscriber

Change Auto-Super Details

  1. Go to the Organisation Menu > Settings > Payroll Settings
  2. Click on the [Automatic Superannuation] Tab

    è  The Automatic Superannuation screen opens

  3. Click on [Edit]

    è  The Set Up Superannuation screen opens
  4. Confirm the Business ABN and Legal or Trading name displayed on the screen are correct and click on [Next]
    Note: if either of these details needs updating, you will need to exit this screen and update them in the Organisation Details.

    è  The Authoriser screen opens

  5. From this screen, you can select another Authoriser from the list or update the current Authoriser's mobile number
    Note: if you wish to nominate a new Super Authoriser, this needs to be a current User with Payroll Admin privileges enabled
  6. Click on [Next]

    è  The Bank screen opens

  7. From this screen, you can nominate a different bank account
  8. Click on [Next] 
    è  The Finish screen opens

  9. Review the Terms and Conditions documents and select the Authorisation checkbox
  10. Click on [Register]

    è  The Set up complete screen

    è  A confirmation email is sent

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