How to check abns for subcontractors prior to lodge the tpar [xero]

Updated: 08/08/2021
Article #: 72

Before lodging the Taxable Payments Annual Report, a full ABN check should be run for every Subcontractor included in the report for the relevant Financial Year. The ABN check will check if any subcontractor has either changed or cancelled their ABN over the Financial Year or have changed their GST reporting. 

Export the subcontractor data

  1. Go to Accounting > Reports
  2. Under the Tax Heading select the report: Taxable Payments Annual Report

    è  The Taxable Payments Annual Report

  3. Make sure all Subcontractors are included in the Ready for Lodgement section then click on [Export CSV]
  4. Open the csv report in Excel

Check Subcontractors ABNs

  1. Open the ABN Lookup Worksheet Tool
    Note: this can be downloaded on the ABN Look-Up Website
  2. Copy the ABNs from the TPAR csv export sheet

    è  The Taxable Payments Annual Report csv export

  3. Paste the ABNs into the ABN/ACN column of the ABN Lookup Worksheet Tool

    è  The ABN Lookup Worksheet Tool

  4. Click on [Start Lookup]

    è  The ABN Lookup pop up screen opens

  5. Click on [Lookup ABN details]

    è  The ABN Lookup Worksheet Tool

  6. Check the following:
    • ABN Status > Any Cancelled ABN
    • GST Registration > Any No GST Registration and Cancelled GST Registrations
  7. Save both Worksheets for your record

Check cancelled ABNs

  1. Go to the ABN Lookup website
  2. Enter the Cancelled ABN

    è  The ABN Lookup website

  3. Check the date the ABN was cancelled
  4. Go to Xero and check if any Invoices were recorded after the cancellation date

Check cancelled GST Registrations

  1. Go to the ABN Lookup website
  2. Enter the ABN with the Cancelled GST
  3. Click on [Historical Details] Tab
  4. Scroll down to the Goods & Services Tax (GST)

    è  The ABN Lookup website

  5. Check the date the GST Registration was cancelled

Review Tax Rates applied to Non-GST Suppliers (Cancelled or Non-Registered)

  1. In Xero go to Accounting > Find and Recode
  2. Click on [Find and recode]

    è  The Find and Recode Screen

  3. Click on Add a condition and add the following conditions:
    • Contact is > Type the first subcontractor name
    • Tax Rate is > Select: GST on Expenses
    • Date is after > Type either 30 June of the previous Financial Year (for Contractors whose GST was Cancelled before the Financial Year or for Non-Registered GST Contractors) or the date of the GST Cancellation if the cancellation happened in the Financial Year.
  4. Click on [Search]
  5. If the Find and Recode tool returns any results, recode the Tax Rate of the listed transactions to GST Free Expenses
  6. Repeat the above steps for all Subcontractors flagged in the ABN Look Up worksheet with ABN or GST Registrations Cancelled or Non-Registered for GST

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