How to record a new vehicle asset purchase [xero]

Updated: 15/08/2021
Article #: 99

The most complex process of recording a Fixed Asset is the purchase of a new Motor Vehicle. There are a number of factors to consider, including:

  • Not every component of the Vehicle Purchase invoice is subject to GST. Therefore, the charges have to be broken down into multiple lines.
  • The cost of the vehicle is only deductible for both GST and Income Tax up to a set threshold which is indexed every year
  • Luxury Car Tax (LCT) also applies to vehicles over a certain purchase value
    Note: this threshold is also indexed every year and changes between standard and fuel-efficient vehicles

Vehicles Components - Applicable GST

When new vehicles are purchased, the Car Dealership invoice includes a number of different charges, some inclusive and others exclusive of GST. Furthermore, some of these charges form part of the Asset's Book Value, whereas others are posted as vehicle expenses.

You can use the following table as a guide to correctly code the different components of a motor vehicle purchase. 


Vehicle ChargesTax RateAccount
Vehicle Cost (up to annual threshold)GST on Expenses or GST on CapitalMotor Vehicles - At Cost
Stamp DutyBAS ExcludedMotor Vehicles - At Cost
Vehicle Cost (above annual threshold)BAS ExcludedMotor Vehicles - At Cost
Dealer DeliveryGST on Expenses or GST on CapitalMotor Vehicles - At Cost
Premium Branded PlatesBAS Excluded

Motor Vehicles - At Cost

CTP InsuranceBAS ExcludedMotor Vehicle - Registration and Insurance
Business RegistrationBAS ExcludedMotor Vehicle - Registration and Insurance
GST over thresholdBAS ExcludedOther Expenses
Luxury Car TaxBAS ExcludedLuxury Car Tax (Other Expenses)

Record a New Vehicle (up to Annual Threshold)

Before recording the Purchase transaction, you should review the Vehicle Tax Invoice and break down the charges. In this example:

è  Example of a new Vehicle Purchase invoiced charges

è  Vehicle Cost Breakdown Calculation


Once you have calculated the vehicle's cost breakdown you can enter the vehicle purchase in Xero.

  1. Go to Contacts > All Contacts
  2. Find the Car Dealership Contact you have purchased the new vehicle from (or create it as a new Contact)
  3. Click on [New] > Bill

    è  The New Bill screen opens

  4. Select/Enter the following details (invoice Header):
    • From > Confirm Supplier's Name
    • Date > Enter the Vehicle Invoice date
    • Due Date > Enter the Vehicle Invoice Due date
    • Reference > Enter the Vehicle Invoice No / Deal No
  5. In the Invoice, you will need to break down the various components as per the calculations above:
  6. Vehicles - At Cost components
    • Line 1 > Vehicle Value (this should include the total Sales Price, plus other vehicle parts/enhancements, minus the discounts)
    • Line 2 > Dealer Charges
    • Line 3 > Stamp Duty
    • Line 4 > Plates 
  7. Vehicles - Expense components
    • Line 5 > Business Registration
    • Line 6 > CTP Insurance
  8. Make sure the total of the Purchase transaction in Xero matches the total of the Vehicle invoice
  9. Attach the Vehicle Invoice to the Purchase transaction
  10. Click on [Approve]

Record a New Vehicle - value above Annual Threshold

If the vehicle purchase value is above the Vehicle claimable Annual Threshold the value above the threshold needs to be split into 2 additional lines:

  • Line 7 > The vehicle additional value Ex GST > this needs to be added to the Vehicle - At Cost value
  • Line 8 > The vehicles unrecoverable GST > this needs to be posted as Other Expenses

    è  Additional value above the Annual Vehicle Threshold

Record a New Vehicle - Luxury Car Tax

If the vehicle purchase price also includes Luxury Car Tax, the Luxury Car Tax value is added as a separate line to the invoice.

  • Line 9 > Luxury Car Tax

    è  Luxury Car Tax applied to the vehicle cost

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