How to register for nsw payroll tax [Tax Registrations]
Updated: 06/11/2022
Article #: 321
NSW-based businesses whose total Australian wages exceed the current Annual Payroll Tax threshold (currently set at 1.2 million) are required to register for Payroll Tax across all States where their employees reside. This User Guide focuses on how to process a Payroll Tax registration in NSW. NSW Businesses that have not registered for Payroll Tax previously will receive a new Client ID, this is the identification number permanently assigned to the Business ABN. If a Business used to report for Payroll Tax in previous years, then cancelled the registration as their Australian wages fell under the annual threshold, it will simply need re-activate their registration by using the original Client ID. When registering for Payroll Tax, the NSW Office of State Revenue will also issue a Correspondence ID. This number expires every 12 months from the original date of issue. When a new Correspondence ID is issued, it is mailed to the business' registered Postal Address. Payroll Tax registration can be processed online via the NSW Office of State Revenue. A core part of the registration process is also the lodgement of the payroll tax liability for the time their Australian wages exceeded the Payroll Tax threshold. Therefore, before starting the registration process, it's important to calculate the Payroll Tax liability for the relevant periods. Registering a new business for NSW Payroll Tax